Mission and Vision


Tryon Riding and Hunt Club supports equestrian sport, honors our shared traditions and invests in our community.


We will preserve and enhance the love of horses and Tryon’s equestrian heritage while supporting Polk County’s horse community.

Core Values 

  • Philanthropy: We give back to the community with our time, energy and financial resources.
  • Inclusivity: We welcome all who share our love of horses.
  • Transparency: We will share information on all decisions and activities.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: We are careful stewards of money entrusted to us.
  • Service: We are committed to serve individuals and groups in our community.

Guiding Principles

  • As local residents, we want the club to be a unifying force in the community.
  • Our history is one of our differentiators.
  • We can’t meet every stated need. We have to make choices.
  • Each year may look different from the previous one.